Monday, June 4, 2012


it's vbs week and i am completely exhausted...

it would be easy to get grumbly with my family...gossipy with my friends...and snippy with the kids...but i am holding on to the Word...

Proverbs 11:25
"A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."

so after all this is over...the decorations are cleaned up and the kids all on vacation for the summer...maybe God will pour me a big glass of spiritual lemonade...mmm :)

so...let's see...spiritual apt word of encouragement?   the fruit of obedience in my own children?  some intimate time with Jesus? 

anything would satisfy me...
maybe even a little weight loss...

are you serving others and
finding yourself exhausted? 

may you enjoy some spiritual lemonade!
     ...there is plenty to go around...


  1. I need one of those hats with straws for my constant flow of spiritual lemonade :)

  2. Such an inspiring post. Appreciate you sharing. Thank you.

  3. I like that Proverb; I do find myself exhausted a lot these days and have taken up the habit of a Sunday afternoon nap after working at church in the morning in children's ministry for one of the services :)

    Enjoy VBS this week; what a great ministry to teach little ones about Jesus!! Our church is having their's this week and then another one in two more weeks. Lots of work indeed goes into one but so worth the effort!



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