Wednesday, June 20, 2012

rootbeer in my icecream

my 3 year old was angry with his dad the other day...really really angry.  we have been encouraging him to put words to his emotions rather than just crying so i asked him to explain what was wrong...
his answered, 'dad!  i'm mad that you put rootbeer in my icecream!'


after 20 minutes of whining and pouting he finally tried it and really enjoyed his float...

i think i'm like that sometimes with Father God.

i have this little bit of what i think is just fabulous and God does something that i don't reaction?

i get angry.  i sob 'why God?!  why did you put rootbeer in my icecream!?!?'  ...i shake my fists...i pout...i whine...i sulk...

meanwhile, God is like...just taste it...i want to introduce you to something new and wonderful...i am trying to bless you if you would just trust me...

may you enjoy whatever God is doing in your life...even if you don't understand it...

1 comment:

  1. I like this one; I'll have to remember it the next time I begin to sulk, pout and whine. And now I want a root beer float :)



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