Monday, June 25, 2012


my gps has been extremely helpful on my trips to cleveland clinic for the baby...i would be completely lost without it...

what i love about gps is that i can take wrong turns.  i can pull in to starbucks and she says 'recalibrating' and gets me back on the right road.  i can take an unfortunate detour and she says 'recalibrating' and all of a sudden i am where i needed to be.  i can get distracted and end up on a beautiful residential street...albeit the wrong residential street...and she says 'recalibrating' and points me in the right direction.

the nice gps lady always says 'recalibrating' and gives me the route to take to my destination.

one of my friends was playing around with her gps and after so many wrong turns it said 'there is a better way'.

hmm...the Holy Spirit is a great guide as well.

i have a destination - God's perfect plan for me.  but i take all kinds of wrong turns.  some are deliberate...inexcusable moments of selfishness that require repentance and a u-turn.  some are detours that i have no control over.  and some wrong turns are a result of me just not paying attention.

everytime i make a wrong turn...i can feel the Holy Spirit saying 'recalibrating...there is a better way'.

Isaiah 30:21
Whether you turn to the right or to the left,
your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying,
“This is the way; walk in it."


  1. So thankful that He is leading us...I don't want to turn down the volume when He is directing me.

  2. Love that scripture; its one on my memorization cards. I am so thankful he will recalibrate for us indeed if we are sensitive to listening to him for directions :)

    personally I do love our GPS; it saves me from having to read maps :)



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