Sunday, June 10, 2012

long enough...

my 2 year old girls are potty training.  it's a lot of work...but i have a few helpful tools up my sleeve.  my favorite little trick is the 'i spy' book.  we have several of them in our bathroom.  simple enough for a toddler to enjoy...but some of those pictures are hidden enough to keep those kiddos sitting in one spot for...long enough.

people can be like that sometimes. 

i have this picture in my mind of the qualities i'd like to see in a person...honesty...forthrightness...kindness...thankfulness...grace...humility. 
not to mention the fruit of the spirit...and a certain...Christlikeness.

those qualities aren't always evident in the people around us.  in our our children...our in ourselves.

it's unfortunate.

however...if i look hard enough...sit long enough...those qualities become apparent.  and once we have found Jesus in those around us He stands out and we can't miss Him.

...may you look hard enough
          and sit long enough to find Jesus in those around you
                    ...even when He is really well hidden...


  1. thanks for this; I'll have to sit long enough for some in my life; I know he's there.....just need to make sure I'm looking......


  2. This is not always easy...need God's eyes to spy

  3. Great picture :) God's growing patience in me so that I can do this and other things!


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