Sunday, June 3, 2012

my cup overflows...cont.

so...after some extended prayer i realized i wasn't quite done with that last post.

we spillers (i was so encouraged to see that i am not alone) tend to have dark flooring and avoid wearing white.  i am not good at pre-treating...even though i do own a tide pen for every handbag.  resolve is a good friend of mine...thankfully our carpet was old and well stained before we moved in so i didn't feel so bad when i intiated it with a spill on moving day.

i have even spilled on the ceiling (yes, it is possible...yes, it was a huge mess...and was hilarious!)

before we replaced our carpet, i had one particular stain that i was sort of fond of (i know..i'm completely weird) i spilled my coffee the first time i felt my youngest son kick inside my belly. in the whirlwind of firsts we have at our house some tend to get lost...but i had a constant reminder of that sweet joy was marked in the coffee stain on my floor.

so referring to yesterday...about your cup running over...

where is the evidence?  is the carpet of your life stained by all your bubbling joy? 

i'd love to hear about some of your stains...times in your life that will always be fond memories because of your cup overflowing...

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post :) I love the story about the joy stain of your youngest son kicking in your belly. I want more stains from God causing my cup to overflow. I enjoy seeing the little people on sunday stare or join in as my cup overflows in worship, leaving stains on my face.


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