Monday, May 28, 2012

rubber duckies

i have a fleet of rubber duckies in my bathtub. seriously...a fleet.

the other day i was taking a bath to mellow out after a rough day with my wonderful children and the rubber duckies decided to join me.

i noticed something interesting. the duckies that were filled with water sank. duh...i know.

here's the interesting part...we are just like those ducks. they have a specific purpose: to float above dirty bathwater and give joy (yeah...i was totally meditating on the purpose of a bath toy). well we also have a specific purpose: to float above crappy circumstances and glorify God.

when the ducks fill up with the dirty bathwater they are unable to completely fulfill their purpose...they sink. likewise when we drink up the negativity that surrounds us...we sink...we become submerged...we drown. when you squish a waterlogged rubber duckie...the water comes out and it can float again.
...sometimes i think God needs to squish me. get all the negativity out so i can float above it all...squishing doesn't always feel good...

but man is it fun to float...

1 comment:

  1. I hate the squishing but love the outcome of floating! Thanks for sharing! Also love that I don't have a fleet of ducks anymore...


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