Friday, April 19, 2013

friends share

so...i have a really awesome friend/mentor...i just had to say that.  and this post will make her laugh...but it's not really about her...even though it she will understand that.

she recently introduced me to goodgreens bars...they are delish...and super good for you...and made in ohio...brilliant!

she has been the source of copious excellent parenting tips...including...but not limited to... "he'll be fine."  ...which a paranoid new mommy needs to hear quite often and rarely truly believes.

more importantly though...she shares Jesus with me.

you see...i'm ravenous for Jesus.  i am a truth glutton.  i am a glory to God gourmet.

i am a little unconventional...and see things in an extremely abstract way. 

it would be amazing if more people would share Jesus...even little tidbits of what He's done thru the day or the delish morsels...mmm...

you know...proverbs talks about gossip as a choice morsel...i wonder...if people would fill their friendship conversations with the main course of Jesus...maybe they would snack a little less on the garbage gossip...interesting...

come to think of it...the relationships in which i struggle with gossip or 'ranting' are also the relationships that i'm hesitant to share Jesus...

i guess my mouth just has to be filled with something...

any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I love relationships where I can talk about Jesus! He has made all the difference in the world in my life! I still struggle with "Jesus talk" that can actually be gossip. I am so glad that I am still progressing on this path. Thanks for the smiles :)


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