Thursday, June 7, 2012

salt water taffy

a mighty woman of God prayed over me yesterday...she prayed that God would be with me as He stretches me...

as she was praying, i had this great vision of salt water taffy. 

so i looked it up in my abundant free time...

you know what's taffy is being stretched...that's when the flavor and color is added.  flavor and color is what makes taffy so delightful.

interesting...because as i am being stretched so thin by the life God has given me...God is adding a unique flavor and color to my personality and my character.

and He is delighted in me...
               ...that's all that matters...


  1. I hope after God stretches us others can savor the color and flavors too.

  2. I love that last line; and He is delighted in me, that's all that matters :) That is so comforting and reassuring, isn't it?


  3. I really like your blog, (your unique thoughts), and have shared it on Facebook with my friends. : )

  4. Even though stretching can be painful, it is worth it in the end. Blessings to you dear.


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