Sunday, April 14, 2013

fat girls of the worrrld...UNITE!

i went shopping yesterday...

and somehow i ended up feeling like julia roberts in pretty woman...i had money...but no one would help me...

i went into one store and not a single sales associate acknowledged me with anything other than a whisper.  so i looked around...and realized that there wasn't a single item in the store that would fit me.  everything was made for stick figure women...(with the exception of the scarves by the register)...

so then i went to the fat girl store.  now...i'm okay with me...really i am.  but i could not bring myself to buy anything in the fat girl store...there wasn't a natural fiber in the whole store...everything was bright and bold and cruise ship-colorful...which would be fine...but i'm not going on a cruise. 

what is it with the world wanting fat girls to look crazy?

i ended up getting what i the maternity store...(most of my weight is baby weight after all...even if he's a year old).

the associate was helpful...she asked me if i needed anything as i walked in the door...and then as i checked out she asked me when my due date was...i thought about it for a second...and then i made one up...except...i even failed at that...i told her i was due in february...(do the math...february is 10 months away...) was a rough time...

and i won't even get into the 3 lettuce leaf salad i had for lunch...

fat girls of the worrrld...unite!


  1. I am on the team...not sure if I like it or not. Sometimes I feel like middle school when I was picked to be on a team I didn't want to be on...sigh...wish the solution was quick and easy haha

  2. better to be picked to be on a team you'd rather not be on than to sit on the sidelines feeling sorry for yourself... ;)


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